Project title: Ancient Greek mathematicians today and the use of STEAM in teaching
“Programme Erasmus+
Action Type KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education/ Partnerstwa na małą skalę – współpraca organizacji i instytucji.
Nr projektu: 2022-1-EE01-KA210-SCH-000083689
Field School Education
Project Title in Estonian: Vana-Kreeka matemaatikud tänases päevas ja STEAM ´I kasutamine õppetöös
Project Title in English: Ancient Greek mathematicians today and the use of STEAM
in teaching
Project Acronym: AnGrMa&STEAM”
SCHOOL EDUCATION: Promoting interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)and the STEAM approach. Additional priorities according to the objectives of our project:
HORIZONTAL OBJECTIVES: Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity. Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and mathematics.
Three topics addressed our project:
- Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
- Digital skills and competences
- Creativity, arts and culture.”
The aim of our project is to improve the quality of mathematics learning through the implementation of STEAM, the use of digital technology, the use of modern teaching methods and tools, and the provision of new extracurricular knowledge by developing skills such as entrepreneurship, problem solving and creativity.
The main goals of the project are:
1) Popularization of mathematics, natural sciences and science;
2) Development of digital skills to achieve the integration of mathematics and science through the use of digital programs in different subjects;
3) Creative and critical use of the Internet and new technologies that contribute to social analysis and problem solving;
4) Facilitating cooperation and communication in a digital framework by sharing different materials produced by networks;
5) Educational innovation and improvement of digital skills;
6) Creation of a project website for the creation and dissemination of materials corresponding to the cooperation and selected priorities.
7) Compilation and distribution of study materials.
The project aims to apply innovative teaching and learning methods through workshops and new digital materials. The new methods will make mathematics, science and technology more attractive to students through the implementation of STEAM and the use of digital tools, and students will have a better understanding of the need for topics. Teachers show students how important it is to gain knowledge to understand the world around them and to develop their personality. It is planned to get new ideas and use them in project work. The objectives of the project are closely linked to the project’s priorities, which enable young people to develop curiosity,
creativity, critical thinking and collaboration skills. An international project to promote mathematics and science will help to increase knowledge in the chosen field through the experience of partner countries and to improve social and interpersonal competencies. The skills acquired will lead to better results and give young people the opportunity to better understand science, mathematics, technology, engineering through digital skills, history, creativity, art and culture. Teachers learn from colleagues in partner countries and jointly create new thematic digital materials.
The objectives and project activities help to make the approach to teaching mathematics and science more flexible and interdisciplinary within national education systems, using the STEAM approach and the improvement and implementation of digital skills. The organizations involved want to apply the theory of teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics through practical activities using well-known Greek mathematicians, combining knowledge with both art and digital technology.”
The target group of the project is teachers from partner schools and students of 7th and 8th grade (13-15 years old) basic schools who are ready to work on the project and share the new knowledge with their fellow students.
It is also desired to involve students with fewer opportunities in project activities. Their active participation in group activities contributes to strengthening self-esteem, filling knowledge gaps, developing social competences and discovering hidden talents, and encourages and motivates them. These students may have health problems or learning difficulties. Participating in an international project gives participating students the opportunity to make contacts with peers from other countries, to make presentations together, to play digital games, to create new materials themselves. Students will be given guidance on how to understand the relevant material and will receive subject support and assistance when visiting partner schools. Teachers from partner schools learn from each other’s experiences and knowledge gained in workshops, and apply gained methods and ideas to create digital materials.”
- Peetri Lasteaed- Põhikool
Country Estonia
Region Põhja-Eesti
City Peetri alevik
- Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu
Country Romania
Region Centru
City Sibiu
- 4o Gymnasio Dafnis
Country Greece
Region Aττική (Attiki)
City Dafni-Ymittos
On March 22, our school held an online meeting, which was one of the project tasks of the Erasmus+ program “Ancient Greek mathematicians today and the use of STEAM in teaching”. We, as students of a Polish Primary School, had the opportunity to meet the participants of the joined project, i.e. students from three European countries: Romania, Greece and Estonia. Under the supervision of Coordinator Ewa Chomańska, we met students from: 4o Gymnasio Dafnis, Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu and Peetri Lasteaed- Põhikool. We managed to do some interesting interactive exercises regarding cultural and mathematical knowledge.
At the beginning of the meeting, all participants were assigned to groups of several people, in which each of us had to perform individual tasks, such as: presenting our name and country of origin, describing our hobbies and discussing some mathematics issues. Then, having the opportunity to consult with each other, we solved many online quizzes together and watched films about the culture of the countries participating in the event.
The aim of the campaign was to develop language skills and communication in English through contact with students of foreign schools. At the same time, we could learn about the cultures and traditions of our countries and make new friends.
As one of the meeting participants, I think it was a very educational experience. Apart from learning together, it was great fun and a great time spent.”
The Erasmus+ program creates unique opportunities for students and teachers of our school to share knowledge and experiences, both in the international and school environment. This year, two 8th grade students, Michał Nazarko and Daniel Marcicki, had the opportunity to go to Estonia, where they deepened their mathematical knowledge. One of the innovative approaches within these activities were classes inspiring the use of the GeoGebra application, which engaged students in the creative use of technology to learn mathematics. As part of sharing knowledge with their peers, the boys, with the support of their IT teacher, Mr. Lesław Kuchciak, conducted a lesson in which their peers learned about the GeoGebra program, combining mathematics with technological skills and the ability to visualize activities.
The lesson using GeoGebra turned out to be not only an effective way of learning mathematics, but also an inspiring experience that strengthened cooperation and communication skills in the class team. Students gained practical technological skills and understood how important visualization is in the learning process. Erasmus+ projects enable students to develop the competences necessary for the 21st century, and lessons like this show how different fields of knowledge can be combined to enrich education.
project coordinator Ewa Chomańska